
lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

"I Don't Mind"

I don’t mind,
Wasting my life,
Worrying about you,
And neither do you.

I changed my ways,
For a stranger like you,
And gave myself away,
Without having a clue.

That you wouldn’t mind,
Nor notice the changes,
I had made for you,
To enjoy our love too.

But I don’t know what to do,
So now just for you,
I lower my face,
And burry my love,
I’ll hide it in a case,
And become a dove.

I’ll fly away,
From trouble, despair and hate,
And follow my heart,
To my broken faith.


Love, is like a wishing star.
You can’t always see it,
But you know it’s always there.
When you search for it,
You never find it,
But when you sit back and relax,
It suddenly appears.
Your wish come true,
The greatest part of your life.

When you love someone,
And they break your heart,
Don’t give up on love,
Have faith, stand up, restart, and enjoy your life.
All happens for a reason.

You’ll eventually find that somebody
That one who will make you feel wanted,
Feel needed,
Feel loved.

There’s no need to change,
Just be yourself,
Because make-up can hide,
But it will some day wipe off.

Let yourself be loved for who you really are.
Give someone your heart,
And give them the option to make you cry
But you’ll know since that moment
That they’ll never rip it apart.

If your heart starts swelling,
And pieces fall off,
Don’t hurt yourself trying to put them back together,
Let somebody do it.
Some one who’s brave enough to hurt himself to fix it,
And give it back to you, with theirs by its side.

"Before I Opened My Eyes"

It is true that I woke up in your arms, but before I did, you had already made the moment the most perfect one in my life.

Before I opened my eyes, I had already felt your hand running softly up and down my arm. Before I opened my eyes, I had already heard you murmuring love poems into my ears. Before I opened my eyes, I had already taken in the sweet smell of your new cologne. Before I opened my eyes, I had already pictured how perfect we must have looked like. Before I opened my eyes, I had already smiled to myself. Before I opened my eyes, I had already felt the slowly rising and falling of your chest as you breathed. Before I opened my eyes, I had already cuddled up against you.

Before I opened my eyes, I had already fallen in love again, and when I finally decided to open my eyes, the look in your face made me believe that anything is possible for us.

No Title 2

Through your eyes I see
The most beautiful soul
I can finally be me
I can finally be whole

My heart skips a beat
It becomes a blank line
Wouldn’t it be sweet
If you became mine?

You are my soul mate
Fallen from the sky
You opened my heart’s gate
So will you be my guy?

You plus me is something I’ll miss
So before you leave give me one last kiss

"She Wonders"

And she wonders, why does her heart speed up when he smiles…
And she wonders, what can she do to get his attention…
And she wonders, how can she become a special someone in his life…
And she wonders, why does he treat her like that…
And she wonders, why does she keep falling for him…
And she wonders, why can’t she be his girl…
And she wonders, why doesn’t he like her back…
And she wonders, why does he always reject her…
And she wonders, what lesson is life trying to teach her…
And she wonders, why does her pillow keep catching her tears…
And she wonders, where did his cute personality go…
And she wonders, what can she do…
And she wonders, if leaving him would truly break her heart…
And she wonders, if she ever crosses his mind…

And I wonder, when will she realize that he’s not what she deserves…

Sin Título 1

            ¿Qué son estos cambios? El pasar de los años, en tan solo unos pocos segundos. El peso que incrementaba poco a poco, repentinamente desaparece.

            Descubriéndome a mi misma, noto algo. Podría ser un nuevo brillo en mis ojos, un rosado más vivo en mis mejillas, mi sonrisa más amplia a como había estado durante un largo tiempo. Sin embargo, todo eso es exterior; pequeños cambios que, aunque no son mencionados, son percibidos. Lo que había cambiado, estaba adentro.

            Mi alma finalmente descansaba. Había encontrado la tan buscada paz interior. Me sentía madura, sabia, fuerte. Ahora podía escalar montañas de retos que en el pasado no. Podía enfrentar mis temores y actuar como yo quisiera. Podía ser yo misma. Podía, finalmente, vivir.


            Es curioso como nunca valoramos algo, hasta que lo perdemos. Sin embargo, es aun más intrigante como nunca notamos verdaderamente cuanto necesitamos algo, hasta que lo encontramos.

            Lo que antes parecía tan grande, monstruoso, desconocido, era ahora tan solo un pequeño tropiezo en el camino, un desliz.


            En algún momento de nuestras vidas, todos buscamos la independencia. Anhelamos poder estirar nuestras alas y volar lejos de todo. Lograr convertirnos en un individuo reconocido. Aun así, cuando finalmente lo conseguimos, no sabemos que hacer. Al perder nuestra guía, caemos en picada y no logramos encontrarnos.

            Nadie planea nuestras vidas, nosotros debemos de construirla solos, crearla y moldearla a como veamos razonable. Más de una vez, enfrentamos el fin del mundo, descubriendo un tiempo después que fue tan solo un descuido; un pequeño error envuelto en una armadura de miedos. Al mirar atrás a todos nuestros tropiezos, notamos algo. Cada vez que caemos, nos levantamos diferentemente, con el pecho abierto, luego parados derechos, después caminando firmemente, hasta que al final del camino, nos encontramos con la cabeza en alto.


            Aunque los miedos se enfrentan solos, siempre encontramos varios factores que influenciarán nuestras decisiones, cambiando los caminos que tomamos. Muchas veces, los cambios no son voluntarios pero aun así, al ser para bien, eventualmente los agradecemos.

            Nuestros padres y madres siempre buscan lo mejor para nosotros, sacrificando su propia juventud, trabajo y hasta vidas para lograrlo. Lastimosamente, sus sacrificios no siempre son tomados en cuenta y aun menos valorados, hasta cuando ya es demasiado tarde y no podemos hacerlo más.


            Es precisamente en ese momento, cuando una muerte ocurrió o se aproxima, que verdaderamente empezamos a reflexionar, a finalmente pensar, a empezar a cuestionarnos. En ese momento nos damos cuenta, verdaderamente, de todo lo que hemos dejado pasar, las oportunidades que no hemos aprovechado, los retos y miedos que nunca decidimos enfrentar…

No Title 1

So, you see, when I was without you, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I spent hours doing nothing but waiting for you to speak to me. I dreamed about us kissing and I’d always imagine what it’d feel like to fall asleep in your arms. Simple as it is, I was in love with you.

That was of course, until you changed.

The day you said those awful words I realized I had been wrong all long. I took that as my cue to back off but, you know me, I couldn’t stay away for long.

            Differently from what I thought, time never stopped. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Sure, we still talked, went out every now and then, shared a few laughs but all the same, it was different now. You’d never really cared for me the way I had for you, you had been faking all the time but my heart was blind with your love. It was of course, because of this, that you took advantage and started using me. You used me to get to her.

"What is love?"

What is love?

According to William Shakespeare’s Romeo;
“Why such is love’s transgression
Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast,
Which thou wilt propagate, to have it prest
With more of thine. This love that thou hast shown
Doth add more grief to too much of mine own.
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs;
Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes;
Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears.
What it is else? A madness most discreet,
A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.”

According to me…
A flaming arrow going through your heart.
A patch on both your eyes blinding your vision.
A song on the radio that you cannot stop singing.
A bounce in your step which you cannot avoid.
A heavy rock crushing your heart again and again.
A soft hand running slowly down your arm.
A lonely tear rolling rapidly down your cheek.
A sigh penetrating the silence of the night.
A kiss breaking the stillness in the rain (and)
A single moon illuminating a sidewalk in the dark.

A hug that lasts forever and fits perfectly.
A contained sob escaping your lips.
A little gift unexpectedly received.
A smile forcing itself into your features.
A shoulder to bawl your eyes out on repeatedly.
A slow dance on the dance floor tonight.
A walk down the beach on a starry night.
A sad movie enjoyed with a broken heart.
A sweet treat after a storm of emotions (and)
A comfortable t-shirt on a Friday night.

A pair of shoes for next week’s date.
A war between chaos and perfection.
A test to see how much can you bear.
A rolling on the grass on a warm, summer evening.
A trip in the car on a Saturday morning.
A strand of your hair finding a spot behind your ear.
A bit of your heart dedicated to that special someone.
A rush of adrenaline when you see him walk by.
A giggle in class when you think of that person (and)
A piece of yourself being ripped apart when he walks away.

A note passed when the teacher wasn’t looking.
A sneaky glance that hopefully only he noticed.
A warmth in the air when you accidentally collide.
A blush in your cheeks when you do something stupid.
A very interesting article on a subject only he likes.
A scar in your heart for every time he looked away.
A box in your closet that’s closed with a lock.
A secret that you rather let nobody know.
A marathon on the series he likes the most (and)
A text message with a joke in the middle of the night.

That is what love really is about.
Not just a peck on the cheek when your dad wasn’t looking, but the feeling of happiness you carry for the rest of the day.
Not just a night out together, but the stress of the hours spent searching for the perfect outfit.
Love isn’t just a heart, but the whole person that comes with it.

“What’s worth for a lover’s pride?”

Come back to me.
Let me find shelter in your arms,
When life’s unfair and just plain miserable,
Let them be your hands the ones drying my tears.

Haven’t I seen you at your weakest?
Haven’t you seen me at mine?
You do know how to comfort me,
Yet you never do, for it’s in vain.

The pain people have caused me,
You may be able to fix,
Yet the one caused by your own self,
May be the one wound that won’t heal.

Is your pride too big for me now?
Now that my pain’s at it’s strongest point.
Now that everyone know you,
And now that you’re too good for a midnight chat.
Of course you left now,
You don’t need me, anyhow.

Because of this I say goodnight, brother,
Goodnight a thousand times,
For in the solitude of the night,
May I find that familiar light.
A light brought by a shelter,
A shelter in a brother’s arms,
Which is why I must say again;
Come back to me, my beautiful knight.

"When I See You Walk By"

You asked me what I felt when I saw you walk by. I said I needed time to explain. You believed I didn’t love you, but quite frankly, I must say you got the wrong clue.

When I see you walk by, it’s not a butterfly that I feel in my stomach, but a whole flock of them going crazy inside. When I see you walk by, I feel a warm blush setting down on my cheeks. When I see you walk by, I can’t keep myself from giggling into my hands. When I see you walk by, a broad smile finds its way into my face. When I see you walk by, I feel my knees give away below me. When I see you walk by, the only thing I can think of is how proud I am to call you mine. When I see you walk by, I want to run up to you and delicately kiss your lips.

When I see you walk by, life simply becomes perfect for a while

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

I'll Be There - Thunderbirds FanFiction


He was running, though he didn't know why. He was escaping, for no apparent reason. He was scared, but he couldn't admit it. I'm a big boy now, he thought to himself, I can't get scared!

Still, after everything he'd seen, all he'd run away from, all the fears he thought he'd gotten over, it was all coming back at once. It was like a comet had crashed upon his head and when it exploded, contaminated every single part of it. There was not a single safe place for him to hide anymore.

He had reached a door and he could see a faint light behind it. As if sensing his sudden relief, all those scary monsters came back, reaching out to him. He yelled as they pulled him into the dark once again. He yelled a second time, but nobody ever came.


Six-year-old Alan Tracy woke up with a sudden jolt. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was stuck to his sweaty forehead. With his heart beating rapidly, he quickly took hold of his teddy bear.

After waiting a few minutes for his breathing to come back to normal, the youngest Tracy analyzed the situation. His dad wasn't home; he was taking Virgil to yet another piano recital, as the pre teen had been gone several times to play lately. He couldn't tell Gordy, unless he wanted to be bothered for the rest of his life. That only left two options; Johnny or Scotty. He didn't have to think a lot.


Fourteen year old, John Tracy had been grabbing a glass of milk to down his midnight snack. He knew his father would go nuts if he ever found out about that, but seeing he wasn't in town, John took the opportunity. The blonde was taken out of his thoughts by the sound of two little feet running.

Gordon. This better be good, otherwise Scott won't be a happy bunny. He thought as he saw the small figure knocking lightly on Scott's door. However, his mind changed track when yet another lighting illuminated the house. That -and the fact that the small figure was now blonde and had a teddy bear rather than a shark- made it obvious to John that it wasn't Gordon, but his own little carbon copy.

John quietly made his way towards Alan, trying not to scare the little boy more than he already was. The terrified face of his brother broke his heart.

"Hey kiddo, what are you doing up so late? Everything ok?" Then, just as John finished talking, another lightning roared fiercely and Alan jumped into his brother's safe arms. Hugging Alan and taking the youngest Tracy to the kitchen with him, John talked softly to him. He placed Alan on the kitchen counter as he searched for the hidden cookies and poured two cups of milk.

"Johnny, can I help you?" asked an innocent, little voice. Smiling, John handed Alan a spoon and the chocolate powder.

"Ok Sprout, so, you take two spoonfuls of chocolate and pour them into the milk. Then, you mix it and I'll get us something to eat ok?" At this, John received a small, enthusiastic nod. He watched Alan for a few seconds and then kept on his search for the cookies. Nevertheless, his search was interrupted by a glass falling to the ground and breaking after another lightning illuminated the kitchen.

Concerned for his brother and not knowing what to do, John took Alan in his arms and started pacing around the kitchen. Just as he was starting to go nuts thinking of some way to calm down the terrified child, the deep voice of his only big brother was heard.

"What's going on blondies?" Said Scott as he took Alan from John and sat down on a kitchen chair. The eldest boy then proceeded to hug Alan and whisper into his ear, trying to calm down the six-year-old.

"Take him to his room Scott, I'll finish cleaning this up," said John as he saw Alan had fallen asleep on Scott's arms. Nodding, Scott stood up and walked back to Alan's room.

Halfway there though, Alan started to move and woke up. Looking at his brother with those big blue eyes he said, "Scotty, can I sleep with your tonight?" Smiling, Scott turned around and walked towards his room.

Once there, he set the little kid on his bed and walked towards his speakers. Scott opened a drawer and took out his mp3 player and connected it to his speakers. He started searching for a song, once found, he lowered the volume to a small hum and went back to bed.

The sixteen-year-old jumped under the covers with his brother and hugged him tight. He felt the kid starting to relax in his arms and sang along as he ran his fingers through the blonde's hair.

You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and I'll be there
I'll be there to comfort you,
Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well that's all I'm after
Whenever you need me, I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name and I'll be there
I'll be there to comfort you,
Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on
If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you
'Cause if he doesn't, I'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there
I'll be there, I'll be there, whenever you need me, I'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there...

By the end of the song, Alan was fast asleep in his brother's arms. Nevertheless, Scott whispered to him until he himself fell asleep too. The last words that left his mouth lingered in the air,

"No matter what happens, or how old you are, I will always be there for you Allie you can always count on your big brother for anything"